Lighthouse Landing Plaza
845 Route 28, Units 14-16,
South Yarmouth, MA 02664

New Client Resources

Welcome to the Yarmouth Food Pantry! We distribute food twice a week, with additional distribution hours scheduled on the second and fourth Friday of the month, as well as the third Saturday of the month.

Twice a month, a family or individual can shop items throughout the pantry, with the amount of food dependent on the number of family members. 

New clients may register during distribution hours. 

All clients must  arrive 15 minutes before the end of the distribution.


Information to bring when you register:

For the applicant:
Photo identification and proof of address if identification does not have the current address.
A piece of mail addressed to the applicant will be accepted for proof of address.
Any assistance verification, for example, Mass Health, Food Stamps, Fuel Assistance
Income verification

For children living in the house and supported by the applicant:
Birth Certificates or Passports for children in the household

For adults living in the same household and/or supported by the applicant:
Photo identification and proof of address if the identification does not have the current address.
A piece of mail addressed to the adult will be accepted for proof of address.
Any assistance verification, for example Mass Health or Food Stamps.

*Failure to bring information may result in a decrease in the amount of food assistance.

Additional Community Resources Available to Applicants

Senior Centers/ Councils on Aging
  • The Yarmouth Food Pantry serves more than 8,000 individuals in Barnstable County.
  • The Yarmouth Food Pantry is a 100% all-volunteer operation.
  • Over 100 volunteers donate their time to helping fight food insecurity in our community.
  • For every $1 donated, the pantry is able to purchase $2 worth of food from the Greater Boston Food Bank.
  • Every week, the Yarmouth Food Pantry purchases between 3,000 and 5,000lbs of food from the Greater Boston Food Bank.
  • On average, the Yarmouth Food Pantry distributes between 800 and 900 bags of food each month to more than 150 households.