Welcome to the Yarmouth Food Pantry! We distribute food twice a week, with additional distribution hours scheduled on the second and fourth Friday of the month, as well as the third Saturday of the month. We also have two distribution times for Seniors 65 and over on the second and fourth Wednesday of the month from 10am to 12 noon.
Twice a month, a family or individual can shop items throughout the pantry, with the amount of food dependent on the number of family members.
New clients may register during distribution hours.
All clients must arrive 15 minutes before the end of the distribution.
For the applicant:
Photo identification and proof of address if identification does not have the current address.
A piece of mail addressed to the applicant will be accepted for proof of address.
Any assistance verification, for example, Mass Health, Food Stamps, Fuel Assistance
Income verification
For children living in the house and supported by the applicant:
Birth Certificates or Passports for children in the household
For adults living in the same household and/or supported by the applicant:
Photo identification and proof of address if the identification does not have the current address.
A piece of mail addressed to the adult will be accepted for proof of address.
Any assistance verification, for example Mass Health or Food Stamps.
Cape Cod Young Professionals (CCYP)
South Coastal Counties Legal Services for Cape Cod & Islands
MassHire Cape & Islands Workforce Board
Copyright © 2024 Yarmouth Food Panty, South Yarmouth MA. All rights reserved.
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