Food is distributed twice a week with additional distributions on scheduled days of the month. Once a month individuals and families can shop items throughout the pantry, with the amount of food dependent on the number of family members. Once a month the clients can return for a “meat only” distribution.
With an average of 800 clients per month, where does the support for the pantry come from? The majority of the food distributed by the Yarmouth Food Pantry comes from the Boston Food Bank, Dennis Public Market and other local vendors, as well as local food drives. Funds also come from grants given by charitable foundations and generous individuals and organizations, such as Yarmouth Rotary. Monetary donations are always welcome because it increases the pantry’s purchasing power, enabling us to obtain much-needed items at a reduced rate. Roughly, $1.00 donated can buy $2.00 worth of goods through the Greater Boston Food Bank.
Yarmouth Rotary has been involved since the inception of the Pantry, with different members kindly serving on the board at various times. Currently four Rotarians serve on the board*: Hollie Halloran, Bob Bouche, Steve Albright and Jill Albright.
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